Category Archives: Making Economic Development Symposium
UCEDIT funding by U.S. Economic Development Administration
The economic development challenges faced by the U.S. are often concentrated in communities plagued by low educational attainment, high crime rates, low income levels and limited financial and physical capital. These communities are disenfranchised and underrepresented in the public arena and can . [ read more ]
Princess Anne Downtown Redevelopment gains traction
Princess Anne Downtown Redevelopment click to read the .pdf article.. [ read more ]
The UCEDIT Place-Making Economic Development Symposium
Real estate is the “currency for economic development and job creation” in today’s economy. Creatively repositioning under-productive real estate assets through “Place-Making” economic development strategies will stimulate new demand and private investment in communitie. [ read more ]
Delaware State University Awarded $500,000 to Establish UCEDIT
The Economic Development Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce has awarded Delaware State University a $500,000 grant to fund the establishment of a DSU Center for Economic Development and Trade on campus.

Dover Council OKs African-American Economic Study
DOVER — By a 6-1 majority, Dover City Council voted in favor of putting $6,000 toward an economic inclusion study during Monday night’s meeting. Councilman Adam Perza was the lone ‘no’ vote.
Kent Leaders Focus on Plan For Agri-business Innovation
DOVER — Kent County has farm fields aplenty, vast wastewater treatment capacity, cutting-edge land-grant universities and so much more to support lucrative agri-business and food innovation industry.
Three local economic minds got together to form a preliminary plan to take advantage of cen. [ read more ]
The Parks, Recreation, and Community Enhancement Committee
The Parks, Recreation, and Community Enhancement Committee Meeting was held on December 10, 2012, at 12:00 p.m. with Acting Chairman Bonar presiding. Members present were Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Horsey. Mr. Lewis was absent.
By unanimous consent. [ read more ]