Our Values

Our values as a Center for Economic Development and Trade are to invigorate the economy of Delaware by providing valuable information that will help guide entities in the state toward making sound and prudent economic decisions.

The Center, located on the Delaware State University campus, will conduct seven values to enhance economic development and trade :

  1. To compile economic research by monitoring the data of developments in Delaware, specifically Kent and Sussex counties.
  2. To maintain models of the State’s economic analyses with specific attention to Kent and Sussex counties, in which the Center would use to conduct economic impact analysis, business analysis and workforce analysis.
  3. To serve state agencies, municipal governments, nonprofit and private organizations and Delaware citizens through the data bank, research, publications and outreach of the University Center’s Data Center.
  4. To develop and enhance market research and expertise through workforce analysis and coordination efforts with public and private providers.
  5. To support entrepreneurial efforts through the provision of incubator-like services, such as market research, accounting, project management and IT services.
  6. Promote international trade amongst small to mid-sized enterprises through research and training.
  7. To promote Kent and Sussex county economies through the Center’s First State Updates.