Professional Development

UCEDIT Professional Development Certificate Courses

Welcome to UCEDIT’s Professional Development Course Offerings. Recognizing that training and development is vital to enhancing performance and productivity in the workplace, we offer a dynamic mix of Competency Driven Certificate Courses. Our courses are primarily aimed at workplace capacity building and professional development. For the most part, our courses target individuals who are desirous of enhancing their competencies as a basis for adding greater value in the workplace. As a participant in any of the courses offered by UCEDIT, you can expect to be accorded the greatest level of professionalism and customer service. Too, you can expect to be immersed in structured, yet exciting, adult centric learning (flexible and responsive) activities that will enhance your expertise and further your professional development. Below, you can review the Certificate Courses we currently offer.

1. Professional Trainer’s Certificate Course (Workplace Train-the-Trainer)

This course is for anyone who wants to be trained and certified as a professional trainer. The course exposes individuals to the fundamentals that are involved in designing and delivering training sessions. The course covers the theories and associated best-practices that must guide the design and delivery of outcomes driven (Competency-based) training. Participants in this course are typically content experts in various fields of practice. In the course, they gain the understanding and how-to skills for carrying out the essential activities/tasks involved in designing and delivering training in the workplace. The course is very practical in nature and emphasizes real-world relevance. From initiation to conclusion, the course affords participants the opportunity to relate their learning to conducting training in the workplace context that they operate.

Duration: 48 Contact Hours (Six 8HR days)

Delivery Option(s): Face-to Face (Online Option Available)

Certificate Awarded: Professional Trainer’s Certificate (Certificate of Competency in Designing & Facilitation Training).

Registration Fee: US$650.00 (Payment Plan Options Available)




2. Workplace Supervision Certificate Course

This course is for individuals who want to be trained and certified as professional workplace supervisors. Much emphasis will be placed on examining the key principles and strategies for attending to supervision in a manner that ensures performance efficiency and accountability. The course will examine the fundamentals of Objectives-driven Performance Management. As such, participants will learn the how and why of framingperformance objectives that are: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound (SMART). Additionally, participants will become aware of and gain appreciation for the best-practice steps and guidelines for developing and evaluating different categories of performance objectives (qualitative vs quantitative; outcomes vs process objectives…).Course participants will also learn the strategies for accurately aligning an individual’s objectives to the objectives of the department, as well as the organization. Facilitating the Performance Appraisal Process (PAP) is also an essential focus of this course.

Duration: 24Contact Hours (Three8HR days)

Delivery Option(s): Face-to Face

Certificate Awarded: Certificate of Competency in Workplace Supervision

Registration Fee: US$475.00 (Payment Plan Options Available)




3.Credit Analysis and Risk Management Certificate

In this very practical course, participants gain deep awareness of the well-established approaches and guidelines for assessing the credit profile and worthiness of an individual or an entity. The course will utilize real-life scenarios (case studies) as a basis for having participants explore the key concepts that must be learned and applied when acting in accordance with credit analysis and risk management best-practices.

Duration: 16Contact Hours (Two 8HR days)

Delivery Option(s): Face-to Face

Certificate Awarded: Certificate of Training in Credit Analysis and Risk Managemen

Registration Fee: US$375.00 (Payment Plan Options Available)




4.Business Negotiation Principles Certificate

This course builds awareness and enhances the key competencies that are essential to planning for and engaging in the negotiation process. Course participants learn the situational specific strategies for negotiating in various settings. The course places direct emphasis on ensuring that participants understand the implications for power and positionality in the negotiation process. Participants learn the guidelines and how-to strategies for assessing power dynamics, as well as how to identify and build alliances with ripple-effect power brokers. The delivery of this course places genuine emphasis on ensuring that participants realize the real world applicability of the negotiation strategies they learn. As such, the course will require participants to apply their learning in case studies, scenario analysis and role-play.

Duration: 16Contact Hours (Two 8HR days)

Delivery Option(s): Face-to Face

Certificate Awarded: Certificate in Business Negotiation Principles

Registration Fee: US$275.00 (Payment Plan Options Available)




5.Certificate of Training in Critical Thinking

If your job involves decision making, conceptualizing solutions, analyzing situations, managing people, … you will be more effective when you enhance your critical thinking competencies. This Critical Thinking (CT) course is informed by academic research indicating that the ability to think critically is an essential prerequisite to effective decision making in any organization. To the extent that changes in the global environment have forced organizations to modify traditional routines, workplace decision makers are called upon to rethink traditional approaches for overcoming challenges that limit performance and, by extension, productivity and/or service delivery. The course places much emphasis on helping participants to gain practical understanding as to how psychological factors influence the way people think and interpret situations. Course participants engage in experiential learning activities that will enable them to accurately assess and improve their own thinking competencies.

Duration: 12 Contact Hours (A Day (8HRS) and a Half (4HRS)

Delivery Option(s): Face-to Face

Certificate Awarded: Certificate of Training in Critical Thinking Theories and Strategies

Registration Fee: US$250.00




6.Workplace Conflict Management Certificate Course

This course gives recognition to the fact that the workplace being a melting pot of personalities, as well as culture and sub-cultural realities, affords real opportunities for conflicts to occur. Course participants will examine, contextually, various considerations and strategies proposed for treating with conflict management in the workplace. The course will also focus attention on the underlying reasons for, as well as the observable symptoms of, workplace conflicts. With respect to both format and content, the course places deliberate emphasis on ensuring that participants gain real-world understanding of the research informed strategies for attending meaningfully and practically to the management of conflicts in the work environment.

Duration: 24Contact Hours (Two 8HR days)

Delivery Option(s): Face-to Face

Certificate Awarded: Certificate Competency in Workplace Conflict Management

Registration Fee: US$375.00 (Payment Plan Options Available)




If you have questions or need additional information regarding any of our Professional Development Short Courses, please email