
Labor Market Analysis

A comprehensive labor market analysis can help position your area to compete in the global economy for the best economic development opportunities and the highest-level jobs. In the short term, workforce analysis will document the current strengths and weaknesses of the workforce, quantify labor supply and quality, quantify hidden labor resources, define emerging employment trends and economic opportunities and provide the right information for prospects and site consultants.

Long term, this workforce analysis can provide a plan to transition the workforce to the emerging economy which requires higher skills. It will help you make certain your workforce matches your economic development targets—and that you have the skills base, research, training, and other key assets in place.

Economic & Fiscal Impact Studies

Typically, public agencies undertake developments with the goal of creating positive cultural, economic, fiscal, and development impacts in their communities. The use proven methodologies for estimating impacts for convention centers, sports facilities, tourism attractions, and other development initiatives will accurately and efficiently measure these impacts. Economic impact is measured by the new local spending associated with a project, and fiscal impact measures the benefits to various levels of governments in the form of incremental tax revenue.

Business Expansion & Retention Studies

Business Retention and Expansion has become a key element of local economic development efforts. The BR&E economic development strategy focuses on the retention and expansion of existing businesses to assist them in navigating today’s global economy. While the attraction of new business start-ups are important parts of an overall economic development strategy, many communities now recognize that helping existing businesses to survive and grow is vital.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

A public project is desirable when the present value of its estimated flow of benefits, discounted at the community’s cost of capital, equals or exceeds the project’s cost. While business can make decisions based solely on whether or not a proposed action will make a profit or minimize a loss, local government officials must take into account other factors. Local government officials must consider public opinion and a variety of other intangibles in addition to cost comparative data but the cost/benefit analysis can make those decisions much easier and defensible. Cost-Benefit Analysis are most commonly used in local governments as part of a Capital Budgeting process and the Capital Improvements Program (CIP).

Feasibility Studies

Leading institutions and joint-venture partners require independent and objective data and expert opinions. Our feasibility studies uncovers the different variables involved with your business venture and how it will be accepted on the open market along with who will be the target audience. Our studies explore the main focus of the business opportunity along with the alternative paths it could follow. By collecting this data, management can then make an informed decision on which path should be pursued in order to create the most profitable revenue stream for the company.

Customized Solutions

UCEDIT’s interdisciplinary team is capable of devising a strategy specifically suited to meet your unique needs. The expert staff of UCEDIT are “students of problems, not disciplines”. Thus, we will work with you to effectively and efficiently remove those barriers that are keeping your organization from achieving its optimal growth through the development of innovative and sustainable solutions that multiply your bottom-line.

International Trade Info

UCEDIT’s Trade division, in partnership with Delaware’s WTO and the State’s International Trade and Development Office, will seek to provide businesses with high-value trade consulting services, cutting -edge market research and innovative training programs that deliver results.