Princess Anne Downtown Redevelopment click to read the .pdf article.. [ read more ]
Author Archives: Michael Casson
The UCEDIT Place-Making Economic Development Symposium
Real estate is the “currency for economic development and job creation” in today’s economy. Creatively repositioning under-productive real estate assets through “Place-Making” economic development strategies will stimulate new demand and private investment in communitie. [ read more ]
Delaware State University Awarded $500,000 to Establish UCEDIT
The Economic Development Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce has awarded Delaware State University a $500,000 grant to fund the establishment of a DSU Center for Economic Development and Trade on campus.

Dover Council OKs African-American Economic Study
DOVER — By a 6-1 majority, Dover City Council voted in favor of putting $6,000 toward an economic inclusion study during Monday night’s meeting. Councilman Adam Perza was the lone ‘no’ vote.
Kent Leaders Focus on Plan For Agri-business Innovation
DOVER — Kent County has farm fields aplenty, vast wastewater treatment capacity, cutting-edge land-grant universities and so much more to support lucrative agri-business and food innovation industry.
Three local economic minds got together to form a preliminary plan to take advantage of cen. [ read more ]
The Parks, Recreation, and Community Enhancement Committee
The Parks, Recreation, and Community Enhancement Committee Meeting was held on December 10, 2012, at 12:00 p.m. with Acting Chairman Bonar presiding. Members present were Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Horsey. Mr. Lewis was absent.
By unanimous consent. [ read more ]