sponsored by League of Women Voters
When: Wed., November 11, 2015
Where: ILA Hall, Wm. Ashe, President, Local 1694
200 S. Claymont St., Wilmington, DE 19801
(katty corner from Elbert Palmer Elementary School)
What’s the impact of expanding Delaware’s ports on jobs, environment, government? Come to this panel to hear from a diverse range of speakers about what the potential might be for the future of Delaware ports.
6:30 pm Donut holes & cider
7:00 pm Panel Presentation
8:00-8:30 pm Written questions & answers
FACILITATOR: John Flaherty, President, Delaware Coalition for Open Government
LONG TERM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION: Gene Bailey, Administrator, Port of Wilmington
ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS: Michael Casson, Jr., Associate Professor of Economics, Delaware State University
COASTAL ZONE ACT & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: Dave Carter, President, Delaware Audubon Society & retired environmental manager
EVRAZ STEEL MILL SITE: Bob Byrd, lobbyist with the Byrd Group
PORT OF WILMINGTON: Sen. Bob Marshall, Chair, Senate Labor & Industrial Relations Committee
RIVEREDGE SITE: Ronald “Kimoko” Harris, Business Agent, ILA Local 1883 LWVNCC 302-571-8948; http://www.lwvdelaware-newcastlecounty.org/notices.html